TENDER: «Supply and implementation of a confidential information leakage prevention system (DLP) at «Orient Finance» PJSCB»
Applications for the tender should be sent until
18.00, November 26, 2019 |
Private joint stock commercial bank “Orient Finans”issues a tender for «Supply and implementation of a confidential information leakage prevention system (DLP) at «Orient Finance» PJSCB».
Tender documentation can be obtained in head office of the bank at address: 5, Osiyo str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Ph.: (+99871) 205-55-55 (int. 5202). or in electronic form (Word file attached below).
Applications for the tender should be sent in sealed envelopes, formatted in accordance with the requirements in the provided tender documentation in Russian language, to Tender commission of the bank, located at above stated address, until 18.00, November 26, 2019.
Envelopes with tender applications will be opened on October 03, 2019 at address: 5, Osiyo str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
There is no fee for provision of tender applications and initial price is not stated.
Tender documentation ТD-09-DB-2019.docx 81 kb