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Support at implementation of your business ideas and investors attraction

Many people dream of their own business but only very few establish their own companies. At the same time, there are a lot of reasons to do business starting from the changes taking place in the economic environment to personal motives. But sometimes it is in the truest sense of the word the only opportunity to show one’s professionalism in practice. It is worth starting a business having a definite concept and purpose.

PJSCB Orient Finans is your reliable partner in implementation of your business ideas and investment projects financing both at its own expense and at the expense of the International Financial Institutions.

  • Basic requirements for the borrower
    1. Availability of primary account in regional branches of PJSCB Orient Finans
    2. A positive credit history
    3. Operation without losses and absence of illiquid balance.
    4. Availability of the project feasibility study developed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory acts (Feasibility study form)

    5. Availability of relevant documents according to the Credit policy of the bank.

  • The main conditions for investment projects financing at the expense of PJSCB Orient Finans own funds are
    1. Loan amount - not more than $5 million US dollars
    2. Loan term - less than 5 years
    3. The purpose of the loan is the acquisition of fixed assets for production needs, capital construction, the acquisition of high-tech equipment.
    4. The interest rate shall be defined on the basis of the agreement basing on the market principles, including the urgency of available resources, technical-and-economic basics of the projects, loans repayment potential
    5. Own participation share is at least 30% of the total project cost.
    6. Collateral security is the liquid collateral in the amount of at least 125% of the loan amount.
  • The main conditions for investment projects financing at the expense of the attracted funds of the International financial institutions
    Presently, PJSCB Orient Finans operates actively and negotiates on attraction of profitable borrowed funds of the International Financial Institutions for investment projects financing. Information on the terms of the borrowed funds of the International Financial Institutions will be posted at the time of the loan agreement signing.

For investors:
PJSCB Orient Finans will help you to promote your project if you have any idea on business and inversion project and are going to attract an investor for your project implementation.
Please provide the passport  of your and investor contact details.